Know the P.R.I.C.E of Sport

Posted by Morningside Chiro

All sportsman dread any niggle or injury that crosses their path.  Injuries interfere with an athletes normal training regime and can even prevent them from competing.

In order to get back to training and competition as soon as possible, a simple principle can be followed by every athlete when any acute sports injury occur.


Acute sports injuries are associated with specific mechanisms of injuries:

               ●            collision with your opponent

               ●            ankle sprains

               ●            muscle strains

               ●            hit by a ball (hematoma/bruising)

               ●            fractures or dislocations

only to name a few.

Acute sports injuries also have specific signs and symptoms:

               ●            pain

               ●            swelling

               ●            bleeding

               ●            redness

Within 24 – 72 hours after an acute sports injury, the P.R.I.C.E principle should be followed in order to have optimal recovery and healing time:

P – Protection

R – RestPRICE.png

I – Ice

C – Compression

E - Elevation

Protection: This will prevent further injury to the already injured area. Splints, slings, braces or bandages can be used depending on the type of injury.

Rest: This will accelerate the process of natural healing. Any activity will increase blood flow to the injured site causing more swelling and bleeding which in turn will delay the healing process.

Ice: Also referred to as cryotherapy. Ice packs are ideal for cooling the injured area decreasing the swelling and bleeding.

Compression: An elastic bandage, compression socks or tights can be used over the injury, usually directly after icing. This will reduce swelling to the involved area.

Elevation: As a rule of thumb, the injured area should be held above the level of the athletes heart. This will limit the amount of blood flow to the injured area and decrease the swelling and bleeding. Elevation should be done immediately post-injury.

Following the P.R.I.C.E principle will not only be effective, but will give any sportsman the best chance for maximum recovery in the least amount of time.

What about the use of NSAID’s (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) after an acute sports injury?

It is also very important to remember to avoid the use of NSAID’s within the first 72 hours after an acute injury as these drugs will interfere with the body’s natural healing process and will only cause further problems.

Follow the link below to read an article comparing the PRICE vs POLICE principle:

Dr. Bernadette Coston

Morningside Chiropractic & Sports Injury Centre & Wanderers Sports Medical Centre

Registered Chiropractor MTech (UJ)

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